Home assistant list attributes

Home assistant list attributes. Oct 16, 2018 · in my case the battery_level indicate the actual level of the battery, so i just want to see the same value i can see in dev tools / dev-states. entity_id: sensor. 67 today_energy_kwh: 12. But I’m unable to vind how to reference from a attribute_template back to the original value Mar 26, 2022 · My suggestion was to reduce the amount of work performed by Home Assistant to just the minimum needed to get the job done. 2022-05-06 16_07_31-Developer Tools – Home Assistant 1084×352 60. Last updated on Oct 22, 2023. Hello, I am trying to create a card listing items based on values of attributes. Maybe the features that supported them were depreciated. Oct 9, 2021 · I am trying to sort a list of entities based on the numerical value of the state attribute. without having a json_attributes_topic). 0 will retrun the first item in a list. Jun 14, 2020 · I’m trying to get the attribute of an entity to become the text in an markdown card. Jul 2, 2021 · I wasnt familiar with the RESTful sensor integration @nickrout suggested but looks like it could be alot cleaner. manufacturer_model_identifier_color_size_location_bla_bla_etc When the time comes to select entities based on their characteristics, the resulting template can become quite messy. attributes. due_date /datetime exist but not showable, ditto description. I want to change it so that I don’t have to edit the trigger every time I add a new door sensor and instead have it trigger by all doors without specification. Apr 21, 2020 · In my template i access the attribute with the state_attr function: { { state_attr ('media_player. You can then use a standard card (entities, glance, etc) to display the Template Sensor’s state. Multi-line strings. Jan 14, 2022 · Not within that row, but you can add as many attribute rows as you want for the same entity exposing different attributes. It would be ideal if rest sensors can have an attributes template. group. -entity 2. openweathermap', 'forecast')[0]. , a certain entity. 1 Like woodmj74 (Mike Wood) January 14, 2022, 10:38pm Nov 13, 2019 · Count number of entities by domain Scripts. Jul 27, 2016 · So, when I first started creating individual template sensors for each of my devices battery states, I was told that my sensors would be polling the battery constantly for changes to the battery state, which was causing more unnecessary drain on each devices battery as it was constantly asking the device for its battery state live, for every percent change. Here’s the automation, I’ve split it into three as it’s so long. I was hoping I could somehow store Feb 22, 2021 · In other words, I don’t recommend creating an entity name packed with its characteristics. Note that writing the exact same state including attributes will not result in this field being updated. son, person. This json_path only lists up all of the wind_speed_of_gust values, but what should I type in the “json Nov 2, 2022 · If I open the door, it becomes “violated” which developer tools does not show. When the script is executed within an automation. 63 monthly_energy_total: 0. washer. description }} Automation Trigger. xstrex June 18, 2022, 4:16pm 3. Screenshot of the Entity card. To get the second one we use . I would be interested if there is anyway to dynamically reference the array object as my example is hardcoding the array object id e. Lovelace: Attributes card / entity row Dashboards & Frontend. {%- set ids = device_attr(device, 'identifiers') | list | first %} {%- if ids and ids | length == 2 %} Aug 27, 2019 · Yes. temperature_sensor. Here is what I have now. state_attr ('sensor. I’ve successfully captured the data with a sensor. I have a Dyson 360 Eye and want to extract the attributes from it. michaelblight (Michael) June 10, 2022, 7:02am 3. test_group. 1261×373 24. sensors: tracker_counter: friendly_name: "Tracker Counter". State objects are what the state machine stores information about each device at the current moment of time. An automation. I’ve tried using the entities card, and for entities like persons it shows fine but how do i display the state of the entities on the right column instead of a toggle switch? i tried using type:attribute but it Mar 15, 2019 · I am trying to use the new energy dashboard with my vesync switches. Oct 12, 2018 · Because you aren’t extracting the information from the rest sensor, your extracting from an unknown object named value_json. 20 733×523 57. Sep 2, 2021 · Get multiple mapping values in templating. Oct 16, 2022 · An entity’s state value can store a single string of up to 255 characters. That would allow more flexibility for getting attributes such as pullling in lists of dictionaries rather than needing to do this workaround to achieve the same thing. basically I want to create a sensor which tells me the Jan 4, 2020 · Tinkerer (aka DubhAd on GitHub) January 4, 2020, 9:07am 2. I removed json_attributes_topic from the sensor’s configuration and reloaded. living_room', 'sonos_group'). ok, I thought you wanted a group attributes. However the list workflow seems to be pretty limited. # Good. [0],[1],[2] and so on. Hi, i have a group who is showing different values from sensors like: - sensor. You don’t need to have separate sensors, one to get the total number of games, and another to process the data using the ‘total games’ value. So I will ask myself: Is it possible to list entities for automation as a trigger so if any one of the entities does something, the automation will be triggered? Trigger: -entity 1. 67, 1. index: 1 physical_status: short logical_status: normal definition: burglar_entry_exit_. index: 1. The instructions are also found on the above repo. Does anyone has an idea how to do so? The next (easy) step is to combine the output with this solution: Unless there is a better (less “cpu intrusive”) way to achieve the goal of course. Place the file in your config/www folder. last. The card (or something) would need to show up to 4 columns and (not limited) about 15 rows Oct 4, 2021 · But first, you’ll need to find the integration identifier. 0 Aug 12, 2022 · I want to create an iOS action to receive a notification that contains a list of names and states of all sensors in a group. 6. Hi guys! I am currently struggeling to create a sensor that returns two calculated integer values as attributes. Feb 22, 2019 · Thanks, whilst my solution works yours results in less code in the loop (your second example is what I was after). drew_s_desk. Here’s my current code: - platform: template Sep 1, 2022 · items is a list containing a single item. lediga_dagar. living_room. get_events’. But ALL state objects in home assistant have the fields/properties that are listed above. bruno. To get the first item we use . I know how to create the notification with the template to list the names OR the states but I &hellip; Jun 18, 2022 · nickrout (Nick Rout) June 18, 2022, 4:07am 2. If a light entity is in the on state, the default profile brightness will only be applied if it is called in the service call data attribute profile, like any other named profile. dom', 'temperature') }}" <> In this example the Sep 14, 2022 · I added json_attributes_topic to the sensor’s configuration and reloaded. If you want to use a Time trigger you need to separate the time attributes into their own sensors with the device class set to “timestamp”. I simply changed the value_template to be on or off and used attribute_templates to record the actual list: attribute_templates: entities: >- {% compute the list here %} Jan 26, 2018 · Hey all, I am hoping to get a sonoff switch mqtt ‘state’ payload into a sensor that can be used. dom" unit_of_measurement: '°C' value_template: "{{ state_attr('weather. But I thought, there must be a more elegant and future-proof way. 13 weekly_energy_total: 0. The homeassistant sensor platform allows you to create sensors that import states from your Home Assistant instance using the native API. To add the entities card to your user interface: In the top right of the screen, select the pencil icon. I cannot really debug your code because I don’t use it anymore. TypeError: object of type ‘generator’ has no len() . What I really want to spefify is “all entities of the light domain”. By editing the dashboard, you are taking over control of Jun 27, 2019 · When tested in the Template Editor, both methods of extracting the attribute’s value work correctly: The information you wish to access is contained in a list which is zero-based (first item in the list is the zeroth item). Wasn’t there an overview with the number of entities in the info page a while ago? Can’t find it, so i made a little python_script that creates a sensor with this information. Apr 3, 2020 · works fine and returns a list of ‘on’ notifications with the entity_id. Please show ALL possible status variables. sensor: - platform: template. Here’s a template that will find you the identifiers for each integration that’s implemented in the UI. household','items') %} {{ x[0]. This card aims to simplify it for things like package trackers & other sensors that Sep 13, 2022 · It’s got nothing really to do with the expected format of the yaml. When you look at the states page, you will only see things that are inside the state. There’s a custom Lovelace attributes card but it shows them as a list. I’m not sure how you’d remove that last character, tho. Jan 27, 2022 · custom:button-card doesn’t use Jinja (this is what you are using in your code below) but Java. This is very weird, as a value that doesn’t change on Scripts are a sequence of actions. It would be nice if there were a “drop-down” set of choices I can set the variable to. me editable: true icon: mdi:map-marker-account friendly_name: Home When I call a service to send myself a message, I use this: message: "People at home are {{ state There are a few attributes that are used by Home Assistant for representing the entity in a specific way. The content differs on ‘columns’ and ‘rows’ so hard-coding not an option (column hard-coding acceptable). 35, 4. {{ state_attr('switch. skycryer (Skycryer) September 2, 2021, 10:25am 1. toggle and light. This is a simplified example code for the sensor: - sensor: - name: "Leistungslimit OW". Jun 18, 2021 · templates , automation. May 6, 2022 · Get attribute from sensor - Configuration - Home Assistant Community. Mar 12, 2022 · This sensor works perfectly, but I have to call the website multiple time, which is not ideal. can be triggered by an event. There are around 57 of the wind_speed_of_gust in the API. {% break %} {% endif %} Indeed, Jinja is really limited. wife, person. Paste this into the Template Editor and change the name of the entity to match your openweathermap entity: {{ state_attr('weather. Petro’s post shows how to do that with the selectattr filter and defined test. The following RESTful sensor retrieves the temperature from one of the locations from the “Badetassen” API. Apr 12, 2023 · List entities based on area, integration, device_class etc. helligkeit is a “state” object. Mar 23, 2022 · For example, i want a card that shows if my Living Room light is on or off, instead of a switch to toggle. But when I use that in a markdown card it does not work. templates , automation. Hello Guys. It would be really helpful if we could have/use additional attributes in the ToDo list item of: date-time item added. Look in your states page in dev tools for the entity “variable. attributes['entity_id'] }} This will show the entities in the group, but not in a very nice way. What I suggest is to add metadata as custom attributes to an entity. If the endpoint returns XML with the text/xml, application/xml or application/xhtml+xml content type, it will automatically be converted to JSON according to this specification Dec 20, 2023 · Feature Requests. This page should be the reference I need: MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant But for those of us wishing to retrieve a number of attributes from the payload, all we get is this non-useful descrtiption: json_attributes (list | string)A list of keys to extract values from a JSON dictionary payload and May 16, 2021 · Yes significantly more complicated (probably embarrassingly so). Here is one of the sensors: switch. list_events. logical_status: normal. To do this: Select the entity. Thank you in advance for any help. Attributes card Attributes are not that popular because they are hidden inside more info dialog and harder to display. The forum posts PSA Dec 13, 2021 · Thank you, thats it, now it shows the friendly name. Attributes can be found under Developer Tools -> States. temperature, [2]. I can achieve what I want to do in node red, but getting everything working after that is too much trouble, and I already have an automation working perfectly, just Feb 17, 2019 · Hi All, I’m using Google Location Sharing, and I’m working on building a trigger that will message my users to tell them to plug their phones in when they get to a certain battery level. With below example, it only shows the first 2 lines. 15 you can use a template containing split(', ') to convert it to a list. I hae a template sensor where I try to output a list of all items matching a filter. yaml: # Temperature from entity - platform: template sensors: norwegian_temperature: friendly_name: "weather. temperature. value_template: >. template: sensor: - name: next tide state: “ { { state_attr (‘name of entity’,‘attribute name’) }} 5. Not all entities have that, and in many cases it’s controlled by the device Feb 1, 2018 · Print out a list of all the sensor states: {% for state in states. I published a new payload and the sensor reported a value and attributes. Jul 22, 2021 · value = "7". sensor Mar 24, 2022 · The new-ish sensor. EDIT: I have solved this (but see @pnbruckner’s better solution). I would like some of these data to be visible as a attribute of the entity. Dec 11, 2021 · Announcement is here: 2021. 715874+00:00. However, I wanted to see if there may be a way to do this a little more “cleanly”, if you will. I didn’t realized before. I’ve got a little question, I’m trying to build a sensor, the main state is just a simple on/off switch basically but with different words, but there’s like 50 lines of code inside the Value-template. Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-26 um 16. Sep 26, 2023 · Feature Requests. Oct 24, 2023 · Sensor template with multiple attributes. I have a Rest sensor where I want all of the wind_speed_of_gust values from this API link as attributes. I can’t use the state since the text is more than 255 characters. EmilH (Emil) May 6, 2022, 2:12pm 1. I have several motion sensors and i would like to have a list, last detected motion lets say last 10 and updated when somebody trigger the sensor. If it is possible, perhaps something like [1]. states. Scripts are available as an entity through the standalone Script integration but can also be embedded in automations. yaml for each attribute, or can I list them in some way under a single platform? Similar to s3Pol’s example for platform: yr? Jul 10, 2020 · If you try this it should return the word “drip” thereby confirming you can get attribute values, just not watering_program. list_events’ is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024. events: - start: "2023-12-19T09:10:00+01:00". Triggers describe events. that should trigger the automation rule. try this: Place the sn object into the attributes, then access that attribute from the states object in the value template. triggered_alarm: false. However, I want the show a list of titles, using {% set noti = states. mysensor02 - sensor. Changing the entity ID. turn_off service calls, unless specified otherwise in the service call data. This way may be used as a PART of a desired filter. mysensor03 - sensor. async_set(entity_id, value) In the docs I see : state. # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: homeassistant name: "Temperature Sensor From Home Assistant" entity_id: sensor. The transition attribute will be applied for all light. , the trigger variable is available. {%- for train in states. To add the entity card to your user interface: In the top right of the screen, select the pencil icon. Adding . 6 KB All I want to do, is to create a template which gives me access to the second (or third) attribute in the dictionary. Adding information to the item name itself will hinder item management features already in place like Jun 27, 2023 · The time trigger accepts time strings like “08:00:00” or “08:00” or entity IDs of Input datetimes or sensors that’s it. I’ve looked through some topics now, but I can’t seem to find an answer. count_all = 0 domains = [] attributes = {} for entity_id in hass. Another way to state the problem I am trying to solve is that I need the entity from a list on entities with the smallest numerical state value. So I need to use ‘calendar. May 8, 2021 · finity January 22, 2022, 2:58am 11. 5: Deffo: Entities; Entity; Entity-filter; Kinda: Markdown (via template The entity card gives you a quick overview of your entity’s state. 82, 0. Feb 15, 2022 · Hi all, following another post where I have quite a few issues in displaying data, raising a more generic question. A list is indexed starting with zero so this should get the ‘zeroth’ item in the list. However I am not sure how to specify a nested attribute. 7 KB. metodi (metodi) February 13, 2023, 9:55am 12. See Available-Trigger-Data. It groups items together into lists. 6 KB. Add to your config something like this to create a new sensor. e. You can get attributes in to homeassistant: Home Assistant Text Sensor — ESPHome. The same applies to avoiding long, single line, strings. Nov 26, 2021 · My trash sensor has a list of attributes with the type of trash and the remaining days before it gets picked up. sensor %} { { state. Clicking on entities gives you a pop up with information or actions based on the type of entity (light, fan, vacuum, media_player, etc), along with the history, entity settings, and things like device info to get back to the parent device. Instead, make use of the literal style (preserves new lines) and folded style (does not preserve new lines) strings. If it is supported it will say so in the docs for the configuration entries. next_trains[0]. Here is an example of the data that is attempting to be parsed, using template example: The entities card is the most common type of card. entity_ids (): count_all = count_all + 1 entity May 12, 2021 · What I’d like it to show is only the first state attribute in the list, in this example: media_player. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the Edit dashboard dialog appears. Mar 24, 2019 · Lovelace Templates I’ve gone and made a crazy card that allows you to pretty much template anything in Lovelace for your card configurations using any information available on the frontend; states, attributes, user, etc. states. I can achieve this simply by using the entity-filter card and manually adding a list of all my light entities. turn_on, light. nujic: Mar 12, 2021 · Hi, I am trying to add a card to the UI, that shows all lights that are currently on (could also be "all open windows,). Download entity-attributes-card. But I now try to get entity_id or friendly name and state value. 33. That works great so far. Then use that identifier to list the entities. time which changes state every minute. hass. I have sensors with attributes that contain a ‘table’ in json format. Apr 30, 2018 · I have a If in a For () loop in a condition, and I need to stop immediately the For () when If is True ! {% if i+2>6 %} true. Danny2100 September 26, 2023, 1:42pm 1. e. You need to use filters to remove items from your for loop. You can use the UI to change the entity ID and friendly name of supported entities. xxxx radius: 51 passive: false persons: person. The device registry is a registry where Home Assistant keeps track of devices. There are a number of posts on this but none are working for me. It is a template extension that accesses the attributes property of the state object. The best part being that having found my solution and then seeing yours it has made obvious what is going on in more general terms. Could you give me a hint where I could learn more about templates and such things aside from the Home Assistant docs? Jun 10, 2022 · weidi: By today you have to create a template sensor to extract values from devices attribute. One similar to the below, however, will utilise the “Current: 1” attribute state. I couldn’t actually find a way to get rejectattr to work. In this case, it is a person arriving home, which can be observed in Home Assistant using devices / sensors. Each entity contains a message attribute. unit_of_measurement: "W". How can I make multiple sensors with just one call - or at least add multiple attributes to that sensor? What would be the better approach? - platform: rest resource: url name: Information scan_interval: 60 value_template: >- {% if value_json %} {{ value_json. If you were to use it to store this: 2. Jun 9, 2022 · Templating json_attributes from an array. definition: burglar_entry_exit_1. that Home Assistant will execute. Here’s the problem I faced: I’m trying to create a sensor with a list of links, parsed via IMTP integration. time. persistent_notification |selectattr('state','eq','notifying')|map(attribute='title')|list %} {{noti}} which does nothing (shows ‘Undefined’ in the list for the number of ‘on’ notifications) Feb 14, 2022 · Template looping through state-attributes. The traditional way to display an entity’s attribute is to create a Template Sensor whose template extracts the attribute’s value. How to extract data from JSON (again) Configuration. Some of those pop-ups include attributes, like vacuum Dec 29, 2021 · I currently list turned on lights and switches using a marked down card, but I want to make it more readable by grouping them based on their area, but I cannot figure out how to list all configured areas. last_updatedTime the state was written to the state machine. Jul 17, 2020 · seems like * needs . 🤔 Sep 29, 2023 · Hi All Brand new to HA and have some coding experience but really only in things like Javascript etc VERY new to YAML I am trying to find a way to loop through a set of entities and retrieve the “message” attribute from them all I have a small query that will find all the calendar entitie_id that I want. attributes: current_power_w: 1. name: Badetassen Sjøbadet. I am trying to get an attribute from an attribute. May 28, 2016 · I’m new to HA and any sort of programming. The output seems to be changed. There are multiple examples in the documentation and in the main community topic. Triggers are what starts the processing of an automation. js. yaml. g. bhyve_zone', 'sprinkler_type') }} I don’t know which integration is being used but you should submit a bug report for the duplicated watering_program . as kind of an escape character. information}} {% else %} None {% endif Sep 28, 2023 · Mimic the entities list by a custom:flex-table-card, make rows selectable, select & copy/paste into Excel. I have no problem getting the “normal” attributes from the sensor. state }}, {% endfor %} Those are state objects, not the individual states a device can be. illi June 18, 2021, 10:00am 1. Therefore this Template Sensor’s value_template will be evaluated every minute. Wrote this my phone so google template sensors on home assistant site to find accurate details. When I add 2 dummy attributes to it (e. Mar 8, 2020 · The workaround is to specify an entity that updates regularly, like sensor. Extract these data in Dev tools → Template, then same. nickrout: Oct 5, 2021 · I have this markdown card: - type: markdown content: |- **Group Members:** {{ states. spotify', 'source_list') }} This attribute holds a list as an values but the template resolves only to the first item of that list: ['OnePlus 3'] The development tools show me that the attribute source_list does indeed hold a list of sources. May 20, 2020 · 123 (Taras) May 21, 2020, 1:34am 2. mysensor04 i May 15, 2022 · Is it possible to count the number of sensors that has the same icon attribute? Tried the template below in the editor but got. For example, the light integration has attributes for the current brightness and color of the light. An entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. last_motion” and then look in the attributes column. That’s an interesting interpretation but the period doesn’t serve as an escape character. Feb 25, 2019 · So whenever you use this function: state_attr (entity_id, ‘attribute’), you are only getting items inside the state. last_updated. next_trains[1]. 11. Nov 30, 2022 · Hello, I have a zone that lists the people who are in that zone via the persons attribute. {% set x = state_attr('sensor. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the May 21, 2021 · Hi! Since one of the latest updates templates can now render lists. I don’t know what jinja is. Really, the right way is probably to accumulate a list, then use a join. Avoid the use of or other new line indicators in YAML configuration when possible. and Alexa/Amazon Echo configurations. Jul 31, 2023 · RickyFish (Richard Fisher) July 31, 2023, 3:50pm 1. calender. So have some Dashboard cards. The first part is the trigger of the automation rule. It has to do with templates for group members aren’t supported. It can be used to display an entity’s state or attribute, but also contain buttons, web links, etc. And here I have an assumption (possibly wrong): if some entity has an attribute used ONLY for filtering - it occupies a place in DB which is not good (same static value in each record). helligkeit. I am able to get one addon name from the list, but am struggling with the for logic, as will as with json & yaml object lists. supervisor_updates has an attribute addons that is an array (correct term?) of addons with updates. Jul 9, 2018 · Instructions. Example: 2017-10-28 08:13:36. This is how it is listed: How can I format the lovelace card to do somthing like: If not possible, at lest: The name can be friendly_name or somthing custom I set for each entity in the template. When an attribute is not available, Home Dec 28, 2021 · Needing some help on a template to list all running automations. For example, a battery-powered temperature and humidity sensor might expose entities for temperature, humidity and battery level. area: 1. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. 8708 friendly_name: Washer Mar 9, 2021 · Each item in the list contains one day’s worth of weather data. The match test accepts a regex pattern (REGular EXpression) so the period has special meaning. Similarly with a markdown card (tables may be drawn there). Create a template sensor for each of the tide attributes. Jan 3, 2017 · At least not when you’re filtering via attr. These include battery, status, position and more. List entities based on previously added attributes. by observing the state of Paulus changing from not_home to home. The state attribute is a strong and I am not able to properly sort the list. temperature }} It will report the value of temperature from the first (zeroth) item in the forecast list. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. State and numeric state triggers and conditions have been updated to use attributes. sensors: sonos_master: entity_id: media_player. A device is represented in Home Assistant via one or more entities. physical_status: short. May 25, 2023 · I need some help with “json_attributes_path:” and “json_attributes:”. ianadd (ian) December 20, 2023, 9:17pm 1. Joschi (Joschka) October 24, 2023, 6:56am 1. You might be able to accumulate with a set {% set text = text + ", " + attr %} and then afterwards, strip the extra comma and output it only on loop. entity: zone. 3915 yearly_energy_total: 23. icon: mdi:alarm-bell. rule. The GET returns an array with the data from 50+ locations, and using the json_attributes_path I am able to filter out a single location: - platform: rest. Entity state attributes can also be imported: Nov 2, 2022 · Please show ALL possible status variables. . test1 and test2), it works fine so for some reason it cannot distinguish having two attribs with each 4 values. attributes section. The second part is the condition. Do I have to set up a platform: template in sensors. A list of keys to extract values from a JSON dictionary result and then set as sensor attributes. Dec 12, 2019 · I did something like this with my ZWave devices and ran into the 255 character limit. sensor. I published a new payload and the sensor reported a value and attributes (i. It’s easier to list those that do support it (or support it properly from my testing - home assistant version: core-2021. There is a supported_features attribute on some devices, that you can check against the source to decode. Jun 28, 2022 · Good day all. home attributes: latitude: xx. 2886 voltage: 123. 11: Icon picker, device links and entity categories - Home Assistant; Docs are here under the “Areas” section: Templating - Home Assistant; And here are some updated versions of the above code with the new filter in use Lights that are on other than in the Bedroom May 14, 2021 · Hello! could you please help me to extract the temperature from my weather forecast entity? I have researched before and added the following to my configuration. entity_id }}= { { state. Apr 2, 2022 · freshcoast April 2, 2022, 6:36am 2. Dec 23, 2021 · @tom_l After a thorough dig through the various card types you can use entity attributes, it seems like it’s limited to a small number of cards. Then you need to select only the entities that have a defined lasr_seen attribute. When I use the template tool I get this: { {states. Yeah, thats not possible with jinja. Apr 30, 2019 · What I’m offering isn’t a complete solution but, perhaps, one step closer to it. Actually you don’t. In other words, the Template Sensor acts as a proxy for the attribute. When any of the automation’s triggers becomes true (trigger fires ), Home Assistant will validate the conditions, if any, and call the action. value_template: "{{ state_attr('media_player. Mar 10, 2022 · I have an automation that is triggered by doors opening/closing. Each integration will also have its own attributes to represent extra state data about the entity. sensor. What it can do isn’t so easily found. mysensor01 - sensor. Include the card code in your ui-lovelace. test}} 1296×493 34. helligkeit','last_updated') is basically equivalent to states. Want state/attribute-based icons? DONE! Dec 19, 2023 · As announced the service ‘calendar. Otherwise you need a Template trigger. xxxx longitude: -xx. templates. zj sd im po oy ql yx td kb uj